Wassup everybody,
Ok. So I'm sitting here this afternoon watching the NBA, Cleveland Cavaliers Vs. Orlando Magic. For those that don't know, I'm from Ohio and, by default, I'm a Cavs fan.
Those of you who follow sports know there's a big debate right now going on about Cleveland Center Shaquille O'Neal and Orlando Magic Center Dwight Howard, both extremely large men who adopted the nickname "Superman." How did this all begin?'
About two weeks ago, Shaq called out Dwight Howard after a game for trying to "steel" the nickname from him saying "Superman, MY ASS!!!"
Dwight responded saying, "Last time I checked, I don't think [Shaq] owns the name."
These two guys are going at it right now on the basketball court in Orlando and they're both battling pretty hard. Shaq's bigger and stronger, but Dwight's younger, faster, and has a better jump shot.
But we're going to settle this debate right now.
Shaq is a lot older and has had a Superman "S" tattoo on his right arm for years, but Howard is known for wearing a red cape with the yellow "S" on it before games and during slam dunk contests.
So the scav hunt topic today is the Man of Steel. First off, find me a photo of Superman's likeness and post it here. Or just answer today's question... WHO IS THE REAL SUPERMAN and why??? Here are your choices...
A. Shaquille O'Neal
B. Dwight Howard
C. Clark Kent
D. Christopher Reeves
E. Dean Cain
Four or five years ago this would not have been a dabate at all. Shaq was in his elements, dominating the boards on both ends of the court and "terrorizing" his opponents. No doubt, he's a dominant force, even today. But the Superman title? I don't think so. The superman title, like the "James Bond" title, changes hands and i think Shaq should be a good sport and admit that Dwight is now the new kid on the block. I'm not a Magic fan (go Lakers!) and i have nothing personal against Shaq but i think its quite obvious that Dwight is clearly more intimidating in the paint and combines strenth and quickness unlike any other. Of course, he's young. But, most importantly, Dwightis more entertaining now (his slam dunk display a few years ago is still fresh in people's minds) and sometimes this kind of excitement is all people want.