Monday, February 22, 2010

#MusicMonday 2.0: NYC Edition

A few weeks ago I asked readers to submit a photo of one of New York City's many music venues for the scavenger hunt and we received some great entries.

For decades musicians in every genre have used New York City as their staging location for record cover shoots. Some of them are now legendary, others lesser-known.

So sticking with the idea of music and New York City, today's scavenger hunt item will be to submit a record cover that is shot in NYC.

After you submit your record cover, unless it is clear, make sure you indicate where the photo was shot.

I'll get things started by submitting my favorite NYC-themed album cover:

The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan was released in 1963 and was shot on the corner of Jones and West 4th Street in the Village.

UPDATE: From the comments, Laura Berlin reminds us that this famous Clash Album cover was shot at the old Palladium in NYC:

1 comment:

  1. The Clash's "London Calling" at the Palladium, back when it was a concert venue...
