Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jay Z, the Masons, Satan plotting to take over the world?

Typically I'm not a person who gets into conspiracy theories, but I couldn't help but be intrigued the other day when I came across this video on YouTube called the Jay-Z deception.
The video's author, some guy who calls himself the forerunner, basically said that Jay Z is one of many celebrities who are actually members of an elite fraternity called the FreeMasons, who all worship the devil and are plotting to enslave mankind.
Rediculous, right? That's what I thought too. But I'm an open-minded Jay-Z fan who's curious to a fault, so I kept watching and there was enough going on in this guy's analysis to raise an eyebrow. (Pardon the pun)
The guy made a lot of points, but the most intriguing thing I noticed was Jay-Z habitual use of Masonic symbols in photos and music videos, particularly the Masonic triangle and/or all-seeing eye.

During the filming of the making of his video for "Run This Town," which features Riyanna and Kanye West, he also wore this hoody that said do what thou wilt, which was a creed of Aleister Crowley, a famous occultist who lived from 1875-1947, who according to some is the founder of Satanism. He's the weird guy in the picture above wearing the pyramid thing on his head.

Anyway, what does this have to do with the scavenger hunt? Well, after I watched this video, I started watching Jay-Z's videos from the BluePrint III, and there was a lot of weird stuff, but the weirdest video of all was Jay-Z's "One To The Next One." WTF!!???!

Devil worship and Masonry aside, this was the weirdest rap video I've ever seen easily. But then I found this YouTube video that broke it down and showed it has a lot of Masonic images in it.

According to the conspiracy theory, the most elite Masons are made up of the most elite, successful people in the world, including Bill Gates, George Washington, Barack Obama, George Bush, and Benjamin Franklin among others and they're plotting to take over the world or something. I'm not convinced about that yet, but I am convinced Jay-Z 's video is weird.

So for today's scavenger hunt, find some famous people who are or were Masons and post pictures of them on this blog. Let's see how many we can find. Also, what do you think is the weirdest music video of all time? Post them on this blog if you can. Good luck.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pet Pix

The 2010 ScavHunt project is on the home stretch…the project officially ends next Saturday (March 6) :( . Thanks to all of you for participating. Today we want you to share your favorite pet pictures with everyone. It doesn’t matter what kind or breed of pet you have – dog, cat, monkey, spider, fish, turtle, whale, elephant – just share it. And, it doesn’t have to be your own. It could be your roommate’s, or maybe a cute one you found on the street. Post it here and come back later to check on what others have posted, or you could comment on other people’s pet pictures.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Calling all Hunters!

We are approaching the final week of 2010 NYC Scavenger Hunt (weep). We want to make it the best week ever, so we are asking for your ideas. Let us know what you think we should add to the list of final hunt items.

Anything Goes!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Iconic Thursday -- NYC

Hello Everyone,

Today is Iconic Thursday.

It’s a celebration of the Empire State of Mind!
We’re hunting for the many icons of NYC…Big Lights, Yellow Cabs, Buses, Subway and all the other items that bring it all together. Please send your iconic photos with or without you in them.

Feel free to share your favorite experiences, eats, hangouts, everything NYC. Photos will make it more fun but we can do with just the memories if you don’t have them frozen in a picture. Please tag your stories, “Why I love NYC” and don’t forget to give us locations where you can.

New York City is full of icons, let’s go hunting!

Here’s a couple to set the tone...

Subway - 42 St.

Yellow Cab - 42nd & Broadway

UPDATES via facebook:

Carlton Rand--
One of my favorite NYC-specific memories comes from 1993:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weird Factoid Wednesday!

Today is Weird Factoid Wednesday. Send us some interesting, funny or even useless facts! Did you know...
-Both Hitler and Napoleon were missing one testicle.

-Being unmarried can shorten a man's life by ten years.
-The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day.

-The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language.

-The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.

-No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple. -Butterflies taste with their feet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

'Tini Tuesday

Is it just me or can Friday not get here fast enough? This time of year, weeks just seem to fly by. It's cold and dark outside, and seasonal depression starts to set in. So I am designating today as Tini Tuesday. As in Martini. Yes, when the going gets tough the tough gets drinking.

Whether you prefer fine wine, fun cocktails, exotic beer or the dark hard stuff, we want your favorite drinks, recipes and fun pictures of you enjoying them! It's always a great time catching up and sharing stories over a drink, so let's attempt to re-create those great times today, here, at NYC 2010 Scavenger Hunt.

Bottoms Up!
Here is a picture of me and my mom enjoying one of our favorites... Sangria!

Monday, February 22, 2010

#MusicMonday 2.0: NYC Edition

A few weeks ago I asked readers to submit a photo of one of New York City's many music venues for the scavenger hunt and we received some great entries.

For decades musicians in every genre have used New York City as their staging location for record cover shoots. Some of them are now legendary, others lesser-known.

So sticking with the idea of music and New York City, today's scavenger hunt item will be to submit a record cover that is shot in NYC.

After you submit your record cover, unless it is clear, make sure you indicate where the photo was shot.

I'll get things started by submitting my favorite NYC-themed album cover:

The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan was released in 1963 and was shot on the corner of Jones and West 4th Street in the Village.

UPDATE: From the comments, Laura Berlin reminds us that this famous Clash Album cover was shot at the old Palladium in NYC:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Who is the REAL Superman???


Wassup everybody,

Ok. So I'm sitting here this afternoon watching the NBA, Cleveland Cavaliers Vs. Orlando Magic. For those that don't know, I'm from Ohio and, by default, I'm a Cavs fan.
Those of you who follow sports know there's a big debate right now going on about Cleveland Center Shaquille O'Neal and Orlando Magic Center Dwight Howard, both extremely large men who adopted the nickname "Superman." How did this all begin?'

About two weeks ago, Shaq called out Dwight Howard after a game for trying to "steel" the nickname from him saying "Superman, MY ASS!!!"
Dwight responded saying, "Last time I checked, I don't think [Shaq] owns the name."
These two guys are going at it right now on the basketball court in Orlando and they're both battling pretty hard. Shaq's bigger and stronger, but Dwight's younger, faster, and has a better jump shot.
But we're going to settle this debate right now.
Shaq is a lot older and has had a Superman "S" tattoo on his right arm for years, but Howard is known for wearing a red cape with the yellow "S" on it before games and during slam dunk contests.
So the scav hunt topic today is the Man of Steel. First off, find me a photo of Superman's likeness and post it here. Or just answer today's question... WHO IS THE REAL SUPERMAN and why??? Here are your choices...

A. Shaquille O'Neal
B. Dwight Howard
C. Clark Kent
D. Christopher Reeves
E. Dean Cain


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cuttest Waiter/Waitress

Hi Everyone,
The 2010 ScavHunt is getting interesting, and thanks to you all for participating so far. If you haven’t been, you can start today. Today’s theme is “Cutest Waiter/Waitress.” What you need to do (and it doesn’t end today so you can keep doing, at least, for the next couple of weeks) is take a picture of your cutest waiter/waitress, either in a bar or restaurant. It will be great to have you in the picture as well, if you’re not camera shy. And please caption the picture – the name of the bar/restaurant and maybe the name of the waiter/waitress. You can either post it here or on our Facebook page (just search for "2010ScavHunt" on Facebook). Thank you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hottest Celebrity Gossip of the Week

Celebrities. We love to hate them, don’t we? Well, among other things, they are, at least, keeping some people in business – the TMZ’s, Peoples Magazine, etc. And don’t we just love the gossip – who is in who’s bed, who is in rehab, which couple is getting divorced (and what the settlement is), etc.

We are kindly asking you to send in your hottest celebrity gossip for this week. You can contribute on our face book page (just search for 2010 NYC Scavenger Hunt on facebook) or tweet to our twitter account ( You can update everyday or as and when something scandalous comes up. Lets keep the “gossip” conversation going. Thank you for being a part.

Sports -- Tiger Woods to Break Silence

Hello Everyone,

Our item for today is sports.

Still on top of the list is “The Tiger Woods Saga” of 2009-2010.

A vague press release, string of mistresses, and weeks of hiding later, Tiger is now ready to ‘discuss his past and his future and apologize for his behavior’ in a press conference to be held tomorrow. Since admitting to infidelity, Tiger has been on an indefinite break from golf. Yes, what happened was a private issue between him and his wife but he also let down his fans and particularly those who looked up to him as a role model.

In my opinion, Tiger should have come out with an open, honest and truly remorseful admission in the beginning. With a portrayal of transparency and humanity he would have been well on his way to rebuilding the brand we all knew and respected.

So the questions are:

1. Is Tiger simply out to “make nice” just because he’s ready to get back into professional golf or he really is sorry?

2. How would you grade him based on how he’s handled the situation?

3. If you were to counsel him before his press conference tomorrow, what would be your advice to him?

4. And lastly will he ever get his “Tiger” back? How can he do that?

We’d love to have your take on this.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Did You See That? Movie Goofs and Blunders

Are there really subliminal messages in Disney films? Is that actually a ghost or just a cardboard cut-out in Three Men and a Baby? I've always found these movie goofs and blunders very entertaining. Check out some of these clips that have made it past directors and into the final cut. Also, be sure to share some of your favorite clips with us!

See anything that shouldn't be there?

Three Men and a Baby - 'Ghost'at 0:36?

Teen Wolf - Indecent Exposure?

During the championship game scene, the crowd comes running onto the floor to congratulate the wolf man. While Michael J. Fox is hugging his dad, if you look to the left side of the screen, you will see a guy with his zipper way undone. I'll let you find that clip on your own!

UPDATES: Take a look at these clips some people found.
Can you hear the cat whisper something?

Carlton R. sent in this video link of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. What do you think Donald Duck says at 0:43?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Celebrity Look-A-Like

Today’s hunt item: Find your celebrity look-a-like.

Celebrity lives are entertaining, lavish and dramatic; they produce stories that can only be told in glossy- page magazines. But how do you feel when you get that unsolicited comment…you look just like so and so. Does your celebrity look-a-like make you cringe, get defensive (I do NOT), or smile graciously? Maybe it depends on whether the star is famous for his/her talent, beauty, addiction, or sex tape.

OR MAYBE, in light of today’s celebrity culture, any celebrity comparison provides a tiny piece of validation. You have a face that gets attention. Perhaps, we even secretly feel triumph when a stranger says we resemble someone we admire?

Well we want it all. The celebrity look-a-likes that make you blush and gag. We’d also love to hear how you feel about this comparison, so send us some comments. Happy Hunting!

I routinely get compared (mostly by males) to Stacey Dash. I take it two ways: as a wonderful compliment, she is a beauty, but I also become cautious. Usually a cheesy pick up line is next. GAG!

UPDATE: We found famous faces on Facebook. Where is yours?

Karen Van Suijdam, La'Nita Green, Mary Emma Ellis Tetteh, and Ramona Ayala

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Presidents Day!

(Mt. Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota)

Happy Presidents Day!

Today Americans celebrate the history of their Democratic process by honoring our Presidents, past and present.

All over New York City there are tributes to the Presidents. Today's project in the scavenger hunt is too snap off a picture of an object that has been named after a U.S. President.

Remember when you are searching that you do not have to think of statues or monuments, there are many other ways our Presidents are honored.

I got things started here by submitting a photo I took from a cross-country road trip I was on a year and a half ago. Created with Dynomite, Mt. Rushmore honors former Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

UPDATE: Some pics submitted via Facebook by Victor Abew.

The Teddy Bear (Named after Teddy Roosevelt)

Monrovia, Liberia (After President James Monroe)

Madison Square Park, NYC (after James Madison)

Jefferson City, MO (named after Thomas Jefferson)

Bill Clinton School of Public Service

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sexiest love song of all time

I wanna wish a Happy Valentine's Day to everybody out there in Cyberspace and to commemorate the occasion, I thought I'd pick two topics today that we all know and love and that's music and sex.

I was surfing the net yesterday and I came across this article about Billboard's Sexiest Love Song’s of All Time and you'd never guess who was number one. Physical by Olivia Newton-John? Really? Now to be fair, that song came out in 1981 and I am only 27. But for those who'll say I'm biased, I have nothing against old-school music or the 80s and to prove it, here's like five songs from that decade I would've picked above Physical. In fact, that song wouldn't be in my top 50 sexiest songs of all time. In no particular order, Sexual Healing--Marvin Gaye, Like A Virgin--Madonna, Do Me Baby--Prince, Push It -- Salt N Pepa, Moments in Love -- Art of Noise, and that's just off the top of my head.
Of course, I am a brotha who was brought up listening to hip-hop and R&B (what genre does love, and the art of making love, better?) But for you rock enthusiasts out there, I do know a few sexy 80s songs I would put above Physical: How about Addicted to Love -- Van Halen and Simply Irresistible -- Robert Palmer. I said a couple.

I find that a lot of times on these "Best of All Time" lists, music afficionados always do their best to pay hommage to the classics and that's important. But I don't think a lot of contemporary music gets as much respect as it should.

With that spirit in mind, I'm gonna say my sexiest song of all time would have to be Freak Me by Silk-- 1992.

The 90s was a decade that pushed the envelope of sexuality in pop culture rivaled only by the 60s in my opinion, based on reputation, and there were a lot of sexy songs and lyrics in all genres, but this song was the dance floor slow jam that set it off in what? 1992. Other honorable mentions, Any time, Any Place -- Janet Jackson, Lollipop -- Lil' Wayne, No Ordinary Love -- Sade, and of course, Let's Get It On -- Marvin Gaye.

So what's your sexiest song of all time? Ok, white people. You seen I need some help here. My mind's drawing a blank. Remember, sexy doesn't necessarily mean raunchy lyrics. To me it just means it makes you think about sex, so whatever gets the party started for you is your business. To each his own.

Whatever you're into, try to post the music video in your post if you can.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

Last night's opening ceremony in Vancouver marked the official beginning to the 21st Winter Olympic games.

Now that the festivities are over the best winter athletes in the world will hit the ice and powder to compete for Olympic glory.

Personally, my favorite event is Hockey. I used to play it when I was younger and it's the game, in my opinion, over the years the game has lent it's self to some pretty incredible moments on the Olympic stage. Such as the 1980 "Miracle on Ice":

So, let's get to the point: today's item in the scavenger hunt is to share a photo of yourself participating in a winter sport.

This is a photo of friends and I snowboarding back in college. Your's truly is all the way on the right with the beard.

Happy Hunting!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Best TV Bloopers

TGIF Hunters!

The weekend is almost here. What better way to welcome it then to share a few laughs together? Today's hunt item is to find the best TV bloopers!

We all make bloopers in our lives, little mistakes that at best make us laugh to ourselves or at worst humiliate us in front of someone we meant to impress. We all have done it: said something at an inappropriate time, fell in front of a crowd, or sent a text to the wrong person. Nobody's perfect and it is our mistakes that make us human and keep us humble.

The attractive thing about TV bloopers, other than that they are hysterical, is that they show a different side of the people we admire on television. A "real" side. I have attached two of my own favorite bloopers, both are from news programs. News, as you know, is LIVE TV. Unlike, many other kinds of bloopers, these were not deleted and were seen my millions of home viewers. You gotta love that. I think they are great because the well composed anchor people just can’t pull it together, lose their cool and just plain freak out. As you will see in these clips, and sometimes in life, the best thing you can do when you mess up is to just keep laughing.

So let’s do just that today folks. Give us your best blooper and laugh with us.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's in Your Food?

Hello Everyone,

What a day yesterday!
Snow, snow, and more snow.
If you had some where you are, please be careful out there, it’s awfully slippery today!
I was looking forward to sharing some amazing photos from our ScavHunt list but as mother nature will have it, I got snowed in and spent most of the day with my friends in the media. And that’s how today’s theme, “What’s in your food?” evolved.

First lady Michelle Obama has kicked off her "Let's Move" drive. The agenda of nutrition and exercise programs is designed to eliminate "the epidemic of childhood obesity" in the younger generation. As part of this initiative, Michelle is asking that schools get more funding so they can “take out the deep fryers,” and serve students with more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. She has also enlisted professional athletes to run sports clinics across the nation.
Mrs. Obama is also pushing to get food makers and vendors to voluntarily make their food healthier or at least label it better so people can make informed choices. Speaking of which, I did a little research to see what the issue is with fries and burgers. Take a look at what I found:

Okay, but I’m no food purist – I absolutely enjoy my fries and burgers when I can. But these videos did get me thinking…

So, wherever you are, we’d love to hear your story. The good, the bad, and the ugly ones too if you want! From the strand of hair you found, to your best meal ever, let’s share your favorite food stories, ideas, tips, recipes, photos, videos… everything!
We are on Facebook and Twitter.

What’s on your plate today?

My name is Juanita, and I’m serving your ScavHunt experience today. Bon Appetit!

UPDATE: Reader Submissions from Paul Henry Matthey (via Facebook)

UPDATE: Reader Submissions from Paul Henry Matthey (via Facebook)

UPDATE: Reader Submissions from Paul Henry Matthey (via Facebook)

UPDATE: Reader Submissions from Otu Amankwah (via Facebook)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My day in the snow-- Queens NY

Snow Updates

Thanks for your great submissions. Please keep them coming!

Here's a few we have received so far...

Elizabeth from Brooklyn sent this one in.

You're never to old to make a snowman!

One person's view out of their window.

UPDATE: More viewer submissions!